Origin of Mammals

200 million years to today

Geolo­gical era: Meso­zoic / Jurassic

Some early reptile species evolve into mammals. The first mammals are the cloacal anim­als, which have survived to this day (platy­pus). Mammals are more versat­ile than reptiles: they feed their offspring with mammary glands, their fur keeps them warm and their brains are more advanced. This makes them partic­u­larly adapt­able. However, dino­saurs rule the world, which is why mammals are only active at night.

The climate is warm, there are no large inland ice sheets. Pangaea breaks up again in Euramer­ica and the south­ern major contin­ent of Gond­wana. At the end of the Juras­sic, Gond­wana also breaks up. As already during the Trias­sic, there is hardly any solid land near the Pole in the Jurassic.

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