4600 million years ago
Geological era: Hadean
According to everything we know, 4.6 billion years ago, the glowing fireball that was to become the Earth, the Sun and other planets were all formed from a cloud of gas.
The universe itself was already 9.2 billion years old. If the location of the beginning of space and time were marked on this timeline, it would be 2.2 km away from this point.
Somewhere on the way to the next sign chemical evolution began to work. This term refers to the non-biological combination out of the ingredients of the primordial soup. At the next sign, chemical evolution becomes biological evolution. There, 122 meters away, evolution — the development of life — begins.
Evidence of the first life appeared just 500 million years after the solar system came into existence. This gives us reason to think that the appearance of life is not as unlikely as was once thought – providing the conditions are right.
The earth is extremely hot. Once the bombardment of meteorites began to subside, the Earth cooled enough for a thin crust to be created. Volcanoes and geologic outgassing created an atmosphere, although it still had no oxygen. Some liquid water condensed from the expelled gases.